WorkShop n°8 : Build your own HTTP request
In this workshop we are going to build our own HTTP request. For demonstration purpose we are going to call the secured online Paypal api.
- Start TcpCatcher
- We are going to send a custom POST request to the secured sandbox paypal server. Let's click on the Forge HTTP request choosing the POST button (it comes with 2.5 version).
The default POST template should appear.
- Let's stay in the HTTP View to friendly modify the default request : change the url, the host header (double click on the header then press enter to validate). Note that you can use CTL + I to insert a new header, and CTRL + D to delete one.
- Then let'schange the payload to send custom data to the SetExpressCheckout function (refer to online paypal documentation for further details). Note that when modifying payload, Content-Length header is automatically recomputed.
- Let's press 'Send now' and see how server replies